Saturday, April 19, 2014


Over the years, I have grown to place great importance on legacy. What will the world remember me for when I'm gone? What will I leave behind for the generations to come? The word itself conjures up the names of people throughout history who left great legacies. One of the names that comes to my mind is King David, a man after God's own heart.

But take a closer look at David. After establishing Israel as a nation, securing peace, and building his own house in Jerusalem, David formulated a plan to build a temple to honor the Lord. How could David live in such comfort while the Ark of God was kept in a tent? But David, however well-intentioned he thought he was, seemed to have a subconscious ulterior motive. David hoped to secure his own reputation in the history books as a king and as a man of God. The Lord saw through this and told David, through the prophet Nathan, that He did not need him to build a temple. Instead, God was going to make His own name great and establish His kingdom forever through His son Jesus Christ. David would have the privilege of being involved in the Lord's eternal plan because the coming Savior would be his descendant.

It wasn't about what people would remember David for - it was all about God establishing His kingdom for the glory of His name. The danger in my striving to leave a great legacy is that it can quickly turn into building monuments for myself. My focus has been too much on what people remember me for. However "well-intentioned" a legacy can be, as soon as it becomes about furthering my name rather than God's name, it is prideful and selfish. I am learning what David learned: to take my place and be used in God's plan to bring others to Himself through His son. As Dr. Wess Stafford puts it, "Our only legacy is the lives of people we have touched in Jesus' name." All else is a means to accomplish this for His kingdom.

This understanding of legacy is a great perspective for me even as we celebrate the life, death, resurrection, and eternal legacy of our Savior. Happy Easter!

Romans 6:8-11
"Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."

Here are some ways you can continue to pray for us:

1)  GSF is still waiting for the land title. Until this is sorted out, we cannot get started on the building. I have been busy with planning and scheduling, but things could come to a standstill soon if the title is not processed in time. This, as you can imagine, can be pretty discouraging. Although I am not here to just build a building, it is a large part of my responsibility and the tasks at hand. I am serving in other areas and will start a soccer camp this week. 

2) Corinne and I are hoping to get to Nigeria soon. Pray for the visa, logistics, and everything else that goes along with planning a trip.

3) Speaking of Nigeria, please pray for Nigeria. This week, over 100 girls were abducted from a boarding school in Borno state and there was a bombing outside Abuja that killed 71. Both of these events were attributed to Boko Haram. This burdens my heart, and it is hard to be in a different country when so much is going on at home. 

4) We are working to finalize the purchase of and pick up a motorcycle this week. We’ve been working on this since the beginning of March and ask that you pray all of the paperwork would (finally) go through. 

1 comment:

  1. Easter JOY to the Iyas <3 Thanks for posting and helping us to remember our purpose....
