Monday, November 10, 2014

Constant Need

Recently, one of my casual workers (day laborers) was caught on the GSF campus at night, stealing cabbages from the farm. He was apprehended by a couple askaris (security guards) and eventually subdued. As per usual procedure, he was then detained at the on-campus staff housing until the following morning. 

The next day, the GSF Director - Mark Gwartney, three askaris, the perpetrator's mother and uncle, my foreman Joseph, and I met to discuss what would be done about the situation. I was not angry; in fact, no one gathered there was angry. Instead, the overwhelming sense seemed to be one of disappointment. This was a good worker that had been there from the beginning. He was being paid a fair wage, and if he had needed extra money for something he could have gotten a loan from one of the other workers - that kind of thing happens all the time.

It was decided that the worker caught stealing would not be sent to the police. He was, however, made to write and sign an apology letter. The discussion ended, and the young man got up to gather his things that had been confiscated. Up until this point I had not noticed his pile of things on the ground nearby. I watched as he picked up a jacket that had been modified with homemade adjustments to be able to carry a lot of cabbages. The cabbages were there on ground as well, and I counted up to 7 of them. 

As he was handed one cabbage and sent on his way, I suddenly felt a deep sadness. Not because I pitied this young man, but because I could see in him the same sinful nature that was in myself. How many times do I disobey God for some petty, temporary reward? 

So very often.

It was a reminder of my sin and constant need for the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. And because I have been forgiven much, I need to extend forgiveness to others.

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In other news, here are some pictures showing the progress on the house:

Praise God for sustaining the project so far! Also, praise God for continuing to raise up men with a desire to follow Him. Below is a picture of my foreman, Joseph, and one of my masons, Ronald, helping to lead worship at our weekly GSF staff devotions.

My crew is incredibly skilled at working with their hands. I have been impressed and challenged by the work ethic, resourcefulness, and ability of these men.

I will leave you with a picture of these little rascals.

Peter, Elijah, Richard, Joseph, and Moses hanging out

Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray for us as we work out visas and immigration for both the US and Uganda. The next step in the application for Daniel's US immigration is happening this week. Please pray that the information would be processed and accepted without delays.
2. Pray for the continued discipleship, protection, and care of the GSF kids.
3. Pray for the discipleship of the workers and sub-contractors involved with the project.
4. Continue to pray for the gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the people of Uganda.